Panin Bank Recruitment (Manager) 2012

Established in 1971, PaninBank was listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange in 1982, the first Indonesian bank to Go Public. Since its inception the management strives to deliver value to all stakeholders by striking a balance between prudence and progressive growth.A strong capital base and prudent risk management has allowed us to navigate economic volatility and periods of uncertainty. PaninBank was one of the very few Indonesian banks not recapitalized by the Government after the Monetary Crisis of 1998.

Product Development (Liabilities) Manager

Manage projects and lead the team.

  • Male or Female, 25-35 years old.
  • Minimal Bachelor Degree with GPA 3.00 (All Programs, preferably Eonomy)
  • Experience as a Product Development Manager or the level Liabilities Product Development Senior Staff Lialibilities minimum for 2 years at another bank.
  • Able to manage projects and lead the team well.
  • Understand government regulations and rules.
  • Mastering the English language and able to speak Mandarin well.
  • Looking neat, clean, courteous and professional.
  • Communication skills and interpersonal skills.
  • Worked diligently, carefully and neatly.
  • Have high motivation and initiative in work, hard worker.
Closing Date:12-1-2013

Send your application to us :
Komp. Plaza Pasifik Blok B4 No. 83,85,87 Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara

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